November 1, 2008

True Christianity or New Spirituality?


In "A Life Formed in the Spirit," Christianity Today is once again celebrating Richard Foster's "legacy" -- which is one, unfortunately, of great heresy.

Failing to test the spirits, Foster followed his Quaker training in silence and meditation to reach an altered state of consciousness in which he believes to have met Jesus personally.

Sound bizarre? It should, but Foster taught this same meditative technique, step-by-step, in the first edition of "Celebration of Discipline," with the promise that if you visualize and focus on Jesus, it will be more than an exercise of the mind, and that Christ will literally, actually "come to you":

"[I]n your imagination allow your spiritual body, shining with light, to rise out of your physical body. Look back so that you can see yourself lying in the grass and reassure your body that you will return momentarily ... Go deeper and deeper into outer space until there is nothing except the warm presence of the eternal Creator. Rest in His presence."

In this same volume Foster boldly declared, "let us embrace the New Age with abandon" (paraphrase-need to confirm source). Both of these statements have been carefully excised in later editions in order to disarm objections to these anti-biblical references.

In spite of Foster's wholehearted embrace of shamanism and New Spirituality, he continues to be a celebrated "hero of the faith," championed by such publications as Christianity Today magazine, for which Foster serves as an "Advisory Editor."

What's interesting is that both Foster and Willard cut their teeth in the Quaker Friends Church, whose founder (George Fox) preached New Age Universalism -- and with which Foster and Willard have pollinated (polluted) the entire Body of Christ under the guise of "Spiritual Formation."

The "celebration" of this fact is proof positive of the Word of God, which prophesied, "in latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Tim 4:1).

Foster should not be celebrated, nor his writings, but soundly rebuked by CT, and rejected by all who fear God.

But tragically, Christianity Today is simply walking in the footsteps of its founder, who "had nothing but praise for his long-time friend John Paul II and in particular for 'his strong Catholic faith.' Furthermore, [Graham] declared that there were no essential disagreements between them theologically."*

John Paul II was personally acquainted with the Dali Lama and allowed this self-worshiping "god-man" to place a statue of Buddah on the Catholic altar to perform prayer rituals at the church of St. Peter at Assisi.*

If Billy Graham and Foster are really in the TRUE faith (once delivered unto the saints), why have they united with false religions and encouraged the church to follow after other gods?

Again, this is fulfillment of 1 Tim 4:1, indicating that deception and apostasy are in full bloom, just as our Lord warned would be the first and foremost sign of the times before his return (Matthew 24:3-27).

(see "Hello Dalai" by T. A. McMahon for more details)