January 21, 2012

True Christianity = Relationship NOT Religion

By the author of the video:
A poem I wrote to highlight the difference between Jesus and false religion. In the scriptures Jesus received the most opposition from the most religious people of his day. At it's core Jesus' gospel and the good news of the Cross is in pure opposition to self- righteousness/self-justification. Religion is man centered, Jesus is God-centered. This poem highlights my journey to discover this truth. Religion either ends in pride or despair. Pride because you make a list and can do it and act better than everyone, or despair because you can't do your own list of rules and feel "not good enough" for God. With Jesus though you have humble confident joy because He represents you, you don't represent yourself and His sacrifice is perfect putting us in perfect standing with God!

This video succinctly shares the true Gospel of Christ...sadly, much of the church IS religious, and consequently, absolutely missing the simple message of God's wonderful grace. Many are still stuck in law and legalism seeking to establish their "own righteousness" instead of trusting in Christ's all sufficient FINISHED work on the cross. Truly it IS all about what JESUS has done, NOT anything we can do - AMEN to that! Good message - I wholeheartedly agree with this brother, and I must say, I hate religion too!!!
Judie <><

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