February 28, 2013

The Harlem Shake at Saddleback Church

This is what's going on at Rick Warren's and other seeker sensitive type "churches". Disgusting what's being fed to people in God's Name! Is it any wonder that our country is in the shape it's in? Lord help us.


Anonymous said...

So because they are dancing, being silly, and acting like highschool kids, they are worldly ... or worse, devil worshipers? I wonder if you actually think the dinosaur mask was meant to be Satan, because you're ready to believe the worst? It just seems self righteous to me to make such a judgment.

Judie said...

Hi, and thanks for your comment.

Let me begin by saying it’s not as much the dancing per se’, although I do not agree with the lewdness displayed on the part of some of the participant’s...sad to say, the gyrating one in the middle on the clip happens to be the youth pastor. The main point however, is that this does not belong in any type of church setting purporting to be some form of worship to God, Quite frankly, I have to say that anyone who would argue that point understands nothing at all about the character or holiness of the Lord.

Be assured that God is not pleased with this type of behavior in the church - one consideration being, could you ever see Jesus (who is our example in and for all things) acting in such a way? How about Paul or any of the other apostles? I don’t think so.

The Bible tells the believer to “come out from among them” and NOT to follow the ways of the world or world system. In James it says that “he that is a friend of the world is an enemy of God”, that’s pretty clear I would say.

The believer is called to be “separate” to be an “example” to the unbeliever, not to act just like them or participate in their ungodly ways. Scripture is very clear on this, unfortunately, many churches these days like to ignore and dismiss the so-called “narrow” commands of the Lord and the early church.

Today, it’s anything goes as long as it produces “numbers.” That is not God’s way at all, since anything born of the "flesh" cannot produce spiritual results. Consequently, these behaviors do not honor the Lord in any way and it’s truly a shame that anyone who calls themselves by His name would be a willing participant in such things.

That said, it’s really no surprise that these things are taking place since we are warned that in the last days some would “turn away from the truth and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils,” that is exactly what is happening here, my friend. I think we can say without exaggeration that there has never been as much deception, false teaching, and foolishness in the church as there is today. The only comfort we can possibly find in it all is that we know it's a “sign of the times” and that Jesus is coming soon!

As far as judging - scripture says the believer is to “judge righteous judgment” it also says, “he that is spiritual judges ALL things” so discerning right from wrong is not self-righteous at all, it’s simply obeying what the Lord has clearly told us to do. Let me add also that anyone who accepts anything and everything coming down the pike in the church and refuses to discern good from evil, i.e., what’s of God and what is not, will surely be deceived.

God’s Word is the ultimate authority, we use it to judge and measure what is truth and what is not, this is why we’re told to “study to show ourselves approved” - we must learn God’s Word and follow His will, to not do so would be quite foolish on our part. It’s especially vital to know what God’s Word teaches these days because so much of the truth is being twisted and compromised to please and placate man instead of God.

In closing, I would suggest you prayerfully rethink your stance on these matters and consider more seriously what the Word of God has to say. Remember, it was JESUS who said - “broad is the way that leads to destruction and many would go therein, but NARROW is the way that leads to life and few there would be who find it.”

